A Possible World

A Possible World

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A Possible World
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Call for Proposals for 2008
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Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar: Beacon of Hope for Suffering Humanity
Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar: Beacon of Hope for Suffering Humanity
Who was this propounder of the Prout economic model, which is panacea for the poor around the world, and whose principles he created only to alleviate the unbounded agonies, humiliations and sufferings of human beings everywhere? Some were beginning to whisper that Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar was a man of unprecedented love, compassion, magnanimity and uncompromising morality such as the world had never seen. Shrii Sarkar was founder of the simple yet simultaneously vast and possibly complex paradigm called Prout, which stands for Progressive Utilization Theory. Its basic theme is progressive utilization and rational distribution of the earth's natural resources. It is not so complicated. The earth has plenty of resources to feed and nurture the entire human population of seven billion. And yet, a handful of greedy men hoard 90 percent of those resources for themselves alone. For this very reason, we have enormous human suffering pervading every corner of the earth. Prout is the socio-economic-political side of Shrii Sarkar's total philosophy that mingles multiple concepts of spiritual, economic, political, social and cultural liberation. It is a critical aspect of his entire ideology, because in order to create a heaven on earth for the people of the earth, we need to first remove the great social ills besetting our planet. We also need to obliterate the existing economic paradigms which wreak havoc around the world with their hidden doctrines of intentionally increasing impoverization and ensuing massive suffering and starvation. Thus, Prout remains an absolute necessity to mitigate and then remove the sufferings of humanity and to pave the way for a golden dawn on earth.
2011-02-21 Garda Ghista
Wife Abuse: Breaking It Down and Breaking Out
Wife Abuse: Breaking It Down and Breaking Out
In 2001 four women were murdered daily in the United States by their spouses. Nearly a decade later there has been a sharp rise in family violence, with women as the primary target. It is evidenced by more than double the calls to hotlines, hospital emergency rooms and crisis shelters overflowing with victims.
Walk-ins are up 240 percent in 2009 compared to 2008, while the number of women and children staying in shelters has increased by more than 70 percent.
Invariably, when poverty rises, domestic violence and specifically wife abuse also rises. Even in so-called civilized nations such as the United States, millions of wives are beaten and raped by their spouses.
Hardly discussed is the psychological torture meted out to women around the world by narcissistic husbands. To get free of the trap of wife abuse, we need to break it down, analyze it and confront it, so as to understand that it begins in the mind - first of the perpetrator, then of the victim.
We can pass laws, but how do we change minds? How do we liberate minds from the insidious spread of emotional and psychological abuse that ends in physical abuse?
While the number of women suffering physical abuse is in the tens of millions, those suffering mental torture at the hands of men number more than one hundred million.
With the rise of fundamentalism in an era of a new Great Depression and growing fascism, this is not a minor social issue. How long will you continue to tolerate it?
When will you face the endless vivisection of women's minds and bodies? When will you accept your responsibility to reclaim your humanity by ending their agony once and for all?
2009-04-12 Garda Ghista
The Gujarat Genocide
The Gujarat Genocide
In February 2002, Hindu fundamentalists carried out a genocidal ethnic cleansing of Muslims in the state of Gujarat, India. The genocide was conducted in a pre-planned collusion with the police and the BJP state government of Chief Minister Narendra Modi.  Between 2,000 and 5,000 Muslims were slaughtered, and more than 150,000 rendered homeless and destitute. Human rights investigators, despite having visited Kosovo and Afghanistan, were unprepared for the horrors they found in Gujarat. To date, the victims have seen no real justice, and the perpetrators continue to boast of Gujarat as a laboratory for the rest of India. With passion and hope, this book documents the Nazi, fascist origins of Hindu fundamentalism; the ongoing propagation of hatred towards Muslims and Christians in the educational system; the continuing economic boycott of Muslims in Gujarat; the legal grounds for prosecuting the BJP leaders for genocide; and the campaign of horrifically violent rape against Muslim women.  The depths of sexual violence in Gujarat demand that the Hindustan of Hindu fundamentalism be renamed as Rapistan. With the rise of Jewish and Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East and Christian fundamentalism in the US, the Gujarat genocide looms large in a scenario of global fundamentalist wars.  It is a story that reverberates in every corner of the globe where the wolves of religious fundamentalism howl at the gates of power. How are we to face this juggernaut of religious fascism, manifest in all religions?  This book is not merely a case study in communalist cleansing, but a Neo-humanistic spark of liberation from the cycle of hatred. Building on Shrii Prabhat Sarkar's vision of all Indians and indeed all of humanity as one people, as well as his mystical humanism, the book lays forth a strategy to combat nationalism and fundamentalism with neohumanist education.
2007-01-15 Garda Ghista
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